Class: Image
Represents a image in the navigation graph.
Explanation of position and bearing properties:
When images are uploaded they will have GPS information in the EXIF, this is what
is called originalLngLat
When Structure from Motions has been run for a image a computedLngLat
differs from the originalLngLat
will be created. It is different because
GPS positions are not very exact and SfM aligns the camera positions according
to the 3D reconstruction Image.computedLngLat.
At last there exist a lngLat
property which evaluates to
the computedLngLat
from SfM if it exists but falls back
to the originalLngLat
from the EXIF GPS otherwise Image.lngLat.
Everything that is done in in the Viewer is based on the SfM positions,
i.e. computedLngLat
. That is why the smooth transitions go in the right
direction (nd not in strange directions because of bad GPS).
E.g. when placing a marker in the Viewer it is relative to the SfM
position i.e. the computedLngLat
The same concept as above also applies to the compass angle (or bearing) properties
, computedCa
and ca
cameraParameters• get
cameraParameters(): number
Get cameraParameters.
Will be undefined if SfM has
not been run.
Camera type dependent parameters.
For perspective and fisheye camera types, the camera parameters array should be constructed according to
[focal, k1, k2]
where focal is the camera focal length, and k1, k2 are radial distortion parameters.
For spherical camera type the camera parameters are unset or emtpy array.
The parameters related to the camera type.
Defined in#
cameraType• get
cameraType(): string
Get cameraType.
Will be undefined if SfM has not been run.
The camera type that captured the image.
Defined in#
capturedAt• get
capturedAt(): number
Get capturedAt.
Timestamp of the image capture date
and time represented as a Unix epoch timestamp in milliseconds.
Timestamp when the image was captured.
Defined in#
clusterId• get
clusterId(): string
Get clusterId.
Globally unique id of the SfM cluster to which the image belongs.
Defined in#
compassAngle• get
compassAngle(): number
Get compassAngle.
If the SfM computed compass angle exists it will
be returned, otherwise the original EXIF compass angle.
Compass angle, measured in degrees clockwise with respect to north.
Defined in#
computedAltitude• get
computedAltitude(): number
Get computedAltitude.
If SfM has not been run the computed altitude is
set to a default value of two meters.
Altitude, in meters.
Defined in#
computedCompassAngle• get
computedCompassAngle(): number
Get computedCompassAngle.
Will not be set if SfM has not been run.
SfM computed compass angle, measured in degrees clockwise with respect to north.
Defined in#
computedLngLat• get
computedLngLat(): LngLat
Get computedLngLat.
Will not be set if SfM has not been run.
ReturnsSfM computed longitude, latitude in WGS84 datum, measured in degrees.
Defined in#
creatorId• get
creatorId(): string
Get creatorId.
Note that the creator ID will not be set when using
the Mapillary API.
Globally unique id of the user who uploaded the image.
Defined in#
creatorUsername• get
creatorUsername(): string
Get creatorUsername.
Note that the creator username will not be set when
using the Mapillary API.
Username of the creator who uploaded the image.
Defined in#
exifOrientation• get
exifOrientation(): number
Get exifOrientation.
EXIF orientation of original image.
Defined in#
height• get
height(): number
Get height.
Height of original image, not adjusted for orientation.
Defined in#
id• get
id(): string
Get id.
Globally unique id of the image.
Defined in#
image• get
image(): HTMLImageElement
Get image.
The image will always be set on the current image.
Cached image element of the image.
Defined in#
lngLat• get
lngLat(): LngLat
Get lngLat.
If the SfM computed longitude, latitude exist
it will be returned, otherwise the original EXIF latitude
ReturnsLongitude, latitude in WGS84 datum, measured in degrees.
Defined in#
mergeId• get
mergeId(): string
Get mergeId.
Will not be set if SfM has not yet been run on
Id of connected component to which image belongs after the aligning merge.
Defined in#
merged• get
merged(): boolean
Get merged.
Value indicating whether SfM has been run on the image and the image has been merged into a connected component.
Defined in#
mesh• get
mesh(): MeshContract
Get mesh.
The mesh will always be set on the current image.
ReturnsSfM triangulated mesh of reconstructed atomic 3D points.
Defined in#
originalAltitude• get
originalAltitude(): number
Get originalAltitude.
EXIF altitude, in meters, if available.
Defined in#
originalCompassAngle• get
originalCompassAngle(): number
Get originalCompassAngle.
Original EXIF compass angle, measured in degrees.
Defined in#
originalLngLat• get
originalLngLat(): LngLat
Get originalLngLat.
ReturnsOriginal EXIF longitude, latitude in WGS84 datum, measured in degrees.
Defined in#
ownerId• get
ownerId(): string
Get ownerId.
Globally unique id of the owner to which the image belongs. If the image does not belong to an owner the owner id will be undefined.
Defined in#
private• get
private(): boolean
Get private.
Value specifying if image is accessible to organization members only or to everyone.
Defined in#
qualityScore• get
qualityScore(): number
Get qualityScore.
Value should be on the interval [0, 1].
A number between zero and one determining the quality of the image. Blurriness (motion blur / out-of-focus), occlusion (camera mount, ego vehicle, water-drops), windshield reflections, bad illumination (exposure, glare), and bad weather condition (fog, rain, snow) affect the quality score.
Defined in#
rotation• get
rotation(): number
Get rotation.
Will not be set if SfM has not been run.
Rotation vector in angle axis representation.
Defined in#
scale• get
scale(): number
Get scale.
Will not be set if SfM has not been run.
Scale of reconstruction the image belongs to.
Defined in#
sequenceId• get
sequenceId(): string
Get sequenceId.
Globally unique id of the sequence to which the image belongs.
Defined in#
width• get
width(): number
Get width.
Width of original image, not adjusted for orientation.